Monday, December 12, 2011

Studying? DO NOT READ!!


If you are cramming for finals, the following sites you absolutely must NOT visit, for fear of hours of wasted productive time. They are as follows: (being a baking junkie and a fun-country person, I get a kick out of this site) (never ceases to amaze me how awkward some of these get...)
Anything that ends with (Bunny-trail galore! Need I say more??) (I can forever click on the newsfeed and read articles/watch videos) (sure, good for getting good study songs. but much easier to just, well, watch videos.) (not just for finding jobs or cool junk. it's amazing what you can read on this thing!) (easy to spend HOURS clicking on tweets,retweets, pics, and twitter accounts) (I think the creativeness intrigues me.) (shameless plug! I spent forever looking at this. I just discovered it yesterday, and well, it is bringing me oodles of happiness!!)

* disclaimer * sometimes these sites have some, well, inappropriate I can't take any responsibility stuff that isn't perfectly 100% clean. As always, browse smartly! =)

It sounds like I seriously need to unplug and get a LIFE. Or maybe a less dorky life. At LEAST I'm not spending 95% of my internet time on Facebook. I cannot. stand. facebook.

Okay, Sociology. I HEAR you already!! I must go now.
Toodles! I hope if you have finals this week you are focusing better than me!!
Before I go, I must share this--I found it yesterday and cracked up when I read this. I don't like this cartoon. I've never watched a full episode of Spongebob in my life. But I think this is hilarious. : D Enjoy!!


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